If you check this overleaf file, I think you can get help in writing the script.

Overleaf, Online LaTeX Editor


• Before you submit your paper you need to use the option “manuscript” with \documentclass[manuscript]{acmart}} command.

• If you want to create red numbers on the left side, please use the option “manuscript, review” with \documentclass[manuscript,review,anonymous]{acmart} command.

• After accepted, you must use the option “sigconf” with \documentclass[sigconf]{acmart}} command.


This statement declares when you want to express a sentence in a different color.

\XXXX : command you want to use

\color{XXXX}: color you want to use ( Please check the “Named colours provided by the xcolor package”, https://www.overleaf.com/learn/latex/Using_colours_in_LaTeX)

• Examples


\author1{please, use command before sentence what you want to write}


• XXXX  = Reference keyword = unique identifier of a bibliographic entry in a .bib file

Creat Figures

\begin{figure}[h!] \includegraphics[width=1.0\linewidth]{Elevate/Figure/Figure 2_stepping stone.png} \caption{As the user fills the bottom of the cliff with rocks, Elevate dynamically creates pillars that match the shape of the rocks. These pillars are sturdy enough that the user can walk on them to cross the canyon.} \label{fig:Figure 2_stepping stone} \end{figure}

You can modify the red and brown color text. h! is the position of the figure. width=1.0\linewidth is the size of the figure. Elevate/Figure/Figure 2_stepping stone.png is the location of the figure file. Figure 2_stepping stone is the label of this figure; you can use this command when you refer to your figure in the main text. Like blew:

As shown in Figure**~\ref{fig:Figure 2_stepping stone}**,

You can find more details; **https://www.overleaf.com/learn/latex/Inserting_Images**